Takes and trash talk from both ALL sides of the NHL's most obscure PATHETIC* rivalry

* Thanks, Kevin Lowe!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Temporary Post: More garage wall for Grace

Per a special request, here's some more nonsense from the garage wall. Part I, Part II. Warning: these are going to get awfully obscure at times.

Totoro, Kiki, Sheeta, and a bit of Johnny Chan's crazy shirt.

This is from Miyazaki's music video he did for Chage & Aska ("On Your Mark"). The singers have been replaced by He-Man villains.

This is kind of sick, but as the title implies, "Old Boy" performed by Itchy & Scratchy.

A lot here. Some of the Transformers, the two guys are a Mr. Show sketch (Three Times One Minus One), Troy McClure on top of a Cerberus (from DMC3), a soldier from JSA, Madman Comics, and the wings of Yubird.

OK, my roommate did everything here but the Care Bear. I have no idea who those top three people are, but there's Saddam Hussein golfing with Destro, who has been impaled by He-Man's sword. The care bear (not quite finished) is fighting alongside Abe Lincoln, while an archer (a William Tell mixed with Robin Hood, perhaps) is fending off a zombie with an apple for a head.

Calcifer, eating some wood (Japanese voice, not Billy Crystal).

My roommate's Katarmari picture, complete with Arabian flying carpet scene.

These last two photos are for Vinny, to better tell the tale of one of my birthday parties that starred a six-foot burrito:

Wow. That brings back some foggy memories.


Anonymous said...

*with shining, anime eyes* I love it.

Some thoughts:

My first thought when I saw Kiki's face was, "Dear Lord, it looks like Gary Larsen drew her." But Gigi is very good.

Nice work on the On Your Mark angel's wings, too. I love how Skeletor and Tri-Klops look somewhat more, er, stoic, than Chage and Aska.

I love Troy McClure's posture--it's perfect. And the, um, interpretation of Saddam's leg hair.

You've gone and added three films to my Blockbuster list. Hope you're happy!

Thanks again!

Jordi said...

Did you ever read the book of Howl's Moving Castle? My dreams of the movie were horribly destroed because to me it failed to include the awesomeness of a child's book. Maybe I'm just being petty here.

Your drawings are awesome, I feel so ashamed at my own drawings (not like they were any good anyway).


Earl Sleek said...

You've gone and added three films to my Blockbuster list. Hope you're happy!

Well, if two of those movies are Howl's and JSA, you'll be fine. If the third one is Old Boy, be a bit wary. People like that movie, but it is also freaky.

Did you ever read the book of Howl's Moving Castle? My dreams of the movie were horribly destroed because to me it failed to include the awesomeness of a child's book. Maybe I'm just being petty here.

Jordi, I've never read the kid's book, so maybe that helped me with Howl's. But more importantly, I've never played the PSP's Katamari, just the ones for PS2.

Am I missing out? Should I go purchase a PSP immediately?

Jordi said...

Maybe, I mean it was hard for me to see Howl as the Howl in the book who played Welsh rugby.

Don't trust me on this but it's pretty good. Compared to the PS2 one (especially the latest) - meh. But god the game should just be renamed to "how to give children deep vein thrombosis")

Earl Sleek said...

Ah, who am I kidding anyway? It's new Katamari--of COURSE I'm missing out!

Deep vein thrombosis--I think I caught that phrase in one of the song's lyrics.